Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Be the Match

The first half of 2012 hasn't been so great.  I find it's better to look at the glass as half full rather than half empty and always try to stay positive about things.  So I haven't even bothered blogging about the trials we have been faced with.  I don't like to dwell in it and I think that no matter what life throws at us, I would rather roll with the punches than lie on the ground and be trampled.
However, now I'm going to share a little something and just ask for your prayers.

My sister-in-law, Shelly and her husband Nick are facing some pretty tough stuff.  They've already been down a really long road, three years ago she was diagnosed with breast cancer and beat it.  Last year, came a diagnosis of infertility due to the breast cancer treatment, and was able to beat those odds as well, as she is now 20 weeks pregnant.  Unfortunately the road has gotten even longer, last week she was diagnosed with MDS/early stage leukemia (AML) caused from the breast cancer treatment as well. 

They have spent time at the ER and Mayo Clinic and will now most likely be going to Shands.  Her type of leukemia combined with being pregnant is pretty rare so finding someone to treat her has been difficult.  They believe Shands has the Neonatal and Cancer facilities to help. If she wasn't pregnant, she would already be starting chemo, but as of now, they are playing a waiting game trying to give the baby the best chance at survival.  There is good news, they think they'll be able to treat this with chemo, but she may need a bone marrow transplant.  She will probably be spending a lot of time in the hospital, but right now, taking it one day at at time. 

I'm asking for you to please pray for her, Nick, and that precious cargo she is carrying.  I'm also asking that you sign up to be a bone marrow donor.  Not only is Shelly facing this fight, but a very close family friend is currently battling MDS-AML as well.  While you probably won't be a match for them, you may be a match for someone else.  Go to the Be The Match website to sign up.  You could save a life.

Here's to hoping the last half of 2012 brings forth more joy than sorrow.

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