Thursday, April 14, 2011

Thursday Thirteen

1. My little itty bitty baby is going to turn 2 years old in a little over a week!  How is that possible?

2. We are going to take Monkey & her cousin Peanut to the Children's Musuem of Indianapolis on Saturday as sort of a birthday celebration. 

3. Going this weekend rather than her actual birthday weekend has nothing to do with the fact that after she turns two, she'll no longer have free admission, nope not at all.

4. We are going to have a joint birthday party and Easter dinner with the family this year.  I'm thinking instead of going the traditional birthday cake route, I'll make these and maybe a giant cookie.  Any great Easter/Birthday party dessert ideas?

5. Easter is really late this year, I can't even remember the last time it was this late.  I don't much care for it. 

6. I had a night out with the girls a few weeks ago, we went and watched Cody Canada and the Departed.  We had so much fun, I can't wait to do it again!

7. My sand volleyball league starts tonight, so excited for this!

8. I'm so thrilled about the great start we have for the 5K for the VA.  We've already got some great sponsors but really need more, if you are interested, or know someone who might be, please pass the information along.  Our past, present and future troops need our support! 

9. And don't forget to sign yourself up for it!!  Sponsors aren't all we need, participants are even more important!  Don't be scared, if you aren't a runner, you can walk.  AND there will be a fun run just for kids... you don't want to miss that!

10. We are loving spring around our house.  The fresh air and sunshine are doing us all a lot of good!

11. We had a converstation at work yesterday.... what to do with old engagement/wedding rings.  Is it okay to trade them in if you ever get engaged again?  Is it bad mojo?  If hubby had been engaged prior to me, I don't think I would be offended if he traded that ring in for a new one for me.  As long as it was new... I don't want to wear the same ring he gave someone else!  Some people in the office agree with me, but then others say it's bad mojo.  What do you think?

12. I can't remember if I shared a picture of Monkey's first black eye.  She fell and popped her face with a toy.  Here it is almost all healed up.

13. I will be in St. Louis most of next week for work, if I don't get a chance to post anything, I apologize in advance!  I am looking forward to going to a Cardinals game while I'm there, GO CARDS!!

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