Friday, October 9, 2009

Big Win!

I don't have much time today, seeing as a good friend of mine is home from Oklahoma. A good friend that I haven't seen in months and I've got to get myself and Monkey ready to go so we can meet her and her fiance for lunch.

I'm a bit of a procrastinator sometimes and decided I just had to put something up here for today since I just started this blog and can't be neglecting it already. So instead I'm neglecting my child. Just kidding, she's actually taking a short nap before we go. So I have to hurry!

As I'm sure anyone who has any interest in firearms knows, Illinois is known for hindering our rights as gun owners. In a huge win yesterday, the Illinois Supreme Court, in a unanimous judgement, announced that an enclosed center console of a vehicle IS considered a legitimate case for transporting a firearm. I could go on and on about this and what a victory it is for us, but as I said, I don't have time. So if you are more interested, click here, and learn about the case in question: People vs Diggins.

Also, if you are one of the many who wish to make Illinois a License to Carry state, like ALL the other great states in our nation (excluding Wisconsin), please sign this online petition. Results will be sent to IL Gov. Pat Quinn and state legislators.

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